Dedale (1986 Softstar) The word for labyrinthe in French is dédale, and so it came that a programmer once wrote the little game "Dedale". The quest is simple. Find your way through the labyrinthes and find your way out to a new highscore. For each labyrinthe you have a specific amount of time (score). Can you make it through the labyrinthe in this time? If you do so you proceed to the next - more complex - labyrinthe and finally, after all nine labyrinthes, you get your overall score. When you run against a wall you loose five seconds, so be careful with your fast cursor-key movements. The game can be finished in a minute or two, so was probably designed either for kids, or as a coffee break game. The replay level is high though, as levels are randomly generated. The graphics are CGA, moves use the keyboard, and the sounds are beeps from the PC speaker.