The "Teletype Networking protocol" (TelNet) is used to provide bidirectional interactive text-oriented communications, making it an ideal gaming protocol for persons who are vision impaired or who hate being bombarded by website advertisements. A TelNet gaming server is accessed using TelNet Client software that emulates the DEC VT100 terminal command set (note that while Windows already includes a minimalist TelNet Client that you could activate and use, it is highly recommended that you substitute a better one). No web Browser is involved! Many TelNet Clients also understand ANSI control codes, an optional graphics feature offered by some TelNet gaming servers.

Below are addresses for FREE Gaming TelNet servers open to the public "anonymously". Each TelNet address listing also includes a complementary link to a webpage that describes the TelNet gaming server, as well as a note about where the host is physically located. By default TelNet Servers will use IANA Port 23 (check that your firewall isn't blocking). However this can be changed, and if the server is using a different Port number, it has been noted. A gaming servers login username/password is typically uppercase GUEST, unless otherwise noted. Note that this list of addresses was last updated in July 2012, so while most of these TelNet servers are still active (even though their associated descriptive webpage might be gone), any host that came online afterwards will obviously be missing. A frequently updated list of popular MUD servers can be found at "The MUD Connector".

The Assortment section contains gaming servers hosting games other than the ubiquitous "MU*" game types, such as Chess or Go games.

The MUCK section contains gaming servers that offer multi-user interactive role-playing games that are a balance of being both combat and character driven. This link provides more details about a MUCK.

The MUD section contains gaming servers that offer combat driven multi-user interactive role-playing games. This link provides more details about a MUD.

The MUSH section contains gaming servers that offer character driven multi-user interactive role-playing games. This link provides more details about a MUSH.


MUCK - [a mix of a MUD and a MUSH]

MUD (et alia) - [combat driven rpg]

MUSH (and MUX) - [character driven rpg]